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03/26/2018    Raymond F Posa, MBA

Recommendation for a Podiatry-Specific EMR (Liza Mitchell, DPM)

In response to Dr. Mitchell’s questions, I have
three EHRs that are very capable products and
have widespread usage in podiatry.

Let me start with this caveat, I have not and do
not sell any EHR products nor am I paid or
endorsed by any EHR company. My recommendations
are based on nearly 20 years of technology
experience in the medical field, specifically
podiatry. I have spoken to thousands of users,
have been to hundreds and hundreds of podiatry
offices across the country and I have been to
many of the EHR manufactures offices and have
seen the inner workings of their software
companies. The recommendations I present are
based upon: user feedback, product features,
product innovation, customer support and price.

The following are in alphabetical order with no
order of preference:

1) MediTab. MediTab is not quite as well known
as the other EHR’s but they are a mature product
that has serviced various specialties for many
years. They have a large podiatry following and
many resources for podiatrists. MediTab is
available through resellers or direct from the
company. They offer a server based version as
well as a cloud version. They have easy to use
interfaces that put the data you need at your
fingertips quickly. It is a highly customizable

2) MediTouch. MediTouch has gained a large
foothold in podiatry. It is cloud based and
designed to run on the Apple platform and runs on
PC’s as well. It offers excellent features, runs
very nicely on tablets and has intuitive
interfaces. They offer excellent tech support.

3) Sammy Systems. Sammy has been around for many
years and is a very mature product. It has all of
the innovations one looks for in a high quality
EHR. They offer outstanding customer support and
the support is all done in-house. They offer
numerous training venues, have large user groups
and are all podiatry specific.

Raymond F Posa, MBA, Farmingdale, NJ

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